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The Story of Pumpkin & the Space Lobber

Our Good Boy dogs are at the heart of everything we do! This means we love to hear the wonderful stories about your doggies. Pumpkin’s pet-parent got in touch with us about her obsession with the Good Boy Space Lobber and shared her heartwarming story.


Pumpkin is almost 11 and for as long as I can remember, has had a Space Lobber in her mouth every single time we go for a walk. She literally barks at us to get from its special place in the car (yep, it even has its own pocket!) as soon as she jumps out.

She’s had many Space Lobbers in her time, including the Reindeer each Christmas!
In June last year, we found a lump on the roof of her mouth which turned out to be cancer. As you can imagine, we were heartbroken but were extremely fortunate that our lovely vet managed to get her referred to a specialist Oncology Hospital.

The team there were fantastic from start to finish…Pumpkin had never ever spent a night away from us as she’s a quite an anxious girl so for her to have to be away from us for 5 nights was a big deal but they couldn’t have looked after or loved her more… so much so that when we had to go back to have her stitches out, she ran in wagging her tail ?

She had a major operation to remove the tumour, having the half the roof of her mouth removed, which was then reconstructed with skin from her inner lip. They removed the bone on one side of her face as well as the lining in her nose so she was in a pretty sorry state when she came home – couldn’t yawn or open her mouth very wide at all.

The good news was they managed to get all the tumour out without the need for any chemotherapy or radiotherapy which is just amazing!

We were so pleased to have her home where she had lots of TLC but because of the delicate state of her mouth, she obviously couldn’t pick up her Space Lobber for a few months but she was happy to be out & about and gradually, as she got stronger she started to try, and one day in October, four months after her operation, she did it! We threw it, she picked it up & the love affair between her and her Space Lobber started all over again and we knew then that she was feeling better.

And now, we’re back to not being able to start our walk until it’s in her mouth…it’s definitely her favourite toy & she’d be lost without it. It really is perfect for every situation…

So that’s the story of Pumpkin & the Space Lobber ?


If you have a story you’d like to share with us, don’t hesitate to drop us a note via our contact us form!